
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Cashcow

  Hi Visitor, I’m KJ and the topic I chose for this project was housing affordability in Chicago. I chose this topic because it directly affects communities that surround me. The message of my artwork is to exaggerate the goal of developers to make profits off of people. People should care about the topic of housing affordability because homelessness is increasing in Chicago, the economy isn’t doing too well, there is a very high chance of us entering a recession by 2023, and housing is becoming more expensive while wages are not changing.  Recently I was walking to get some food and I went to the local Walgreens in Englewood. There was a homeless person outside, on drugs. This made me think about how the only way they could possibly feel satisfied with themselves is the use of a substance. Things like these are not uncommon and it seems that there is no solution or resources for these people to get help. One of the ways to help is to allow people to be able to get housing so ...

The Alien Pseudocode

Hi Visitor, For the First Action project in code we were asked to make a pseudocode of a game. Due to this being an introductory project we did a group activity where we got into 2 small groups and one person had to be blindfolded and essentially go through a course based on the directions we as a group chose to write down and say to the blinded partner. This helped us give a sense of how a computer would think since we removed the senses that would give people an intuition to easily go through the small course that was set up. I did my project on the classic game "Space Invaders" and this is my attempt to make a Pseudo code of it.  The hardest part for me was trying to find the right words and breaking down the game to a level where I can find words that I think the computer would understand. I think there would be tons of errors; just to point one for example the bullet code line because I didn't define how a bullet would move towards the alien ships; I just hoped for...

The Bike That Traveled To Egypt

In this unit of Design & Engineering we learned formulas for kinetic energy, potential energy, velocity, speed, momentum, etc. Also we learned about the 2 Newton’s laws, gears and how they operate, and the anatomy of the bike plus what the parts are used for. Before we started the Action Project we went to a Bike Shop to learn how to fix bikes and the process of the bike shop donating bikes, catering bikes to certain people and how they estimate which bike is best for them by the limited information they get on the person. In this Action Project we were asked to create a Bike for the person we randomly chose. I picked the number 8 and got Atef who’s an Egyptian 15 year old that needs to get to school in hot weather. The terrain is sandy, traffic is a drag, and he needs to travel 3.25 miles to get to school and be able to park the bike in cramped areas. The bike I produced for him was called the TR-22. K.J, Bike Sketch And Math, 2022  This bike caters to Atef perfectly because ...

Canvassing For Housing Injustice

 Hi Visitor, In my class called Rhetoric we indulged ourselves in the topic of housing. We went on Field Experiences to the 33rd ward to talk about their experiences in Canvassing, and common tactics that they use to make sure the canvassing their doing house to house goes smoothly, also the information that they use before they do the in-person canvassing. We also learned about the status quo of the residents in that area. We then talked about the narrative that different organizations/groups have and due to that narrative what uses of rhetoric can we identify that they use to try and push their narrative.  In this Action Project we were asked to write a canvassing script about a problem in a certain community. I chose the problem of abandoned homes in multiple neighborhoods and how it's detrimental to them. This is my script.       My appeal to Logos was the use of statistics when talking about the return of properties from Land Bank back into the marke...


 Hi Visitor, In my Intro to Coding class we were asked to make a chat bot, with 5 total questions using booleans and other aspects of coding. Before this project we learned about Boolean meanings and if statements. We learned how to format if statements, elif statements, and how to use if statements in certain situations. After we learned this we proceeded to work on the Action Project. I made a chatbot that'll talk about movies and has a keen liking to Spiderman.   It was my best project so far, but there were some challenges in the way. Like the formatting of having multiple if statements, multiple answers, and the biggest issue was the multiple combinations that could be typed in the movie genre question. Besides those problems the project was a pretty smooth process since I had a clear goal of what I wanted and not having to do as much improvisation.

Panama Trip

 Hello visitor. In Spanish we were asked to talk about a trip to a Spanish speaking country. Before we started this project we learned Superlatives and learned more adjectives to describe people. We were supposed to make an English Version and the Spanish version of the brochure to practice our use of superlatives, -er, -ar, and -ir verbs, and lastly conjugating ser and estar verbs. The country I chose to do for this Project was Panama just out of curiosity of what Panama entails. This is my Panama brochure.  I think the hardest part of the project was creating the Spanish version of the brochure. The way I solved this was simply by asking my teacher to help me with the Spanish, and make sure I wrote the Spanish correctly.