The Tool Seniors NEED!
Hi Visitor, In Design & Engineering Unit 1 we focused on how daily uses like public transportation, cars, and other essential tools that we take for granted aren't designed for the use of Seniors. We read an article about how the population of seniors is only going to rise, so it's better that we start designing with seniors in mind. Before this upcoming action project was presented to us, we learned classes of levers, math concepts like soh-cah-toa, vectors, and the Pythagorean theorem. This was also met with articles that talk about aging and the things that come with it, like weakened muscles and aging bones, so we can further empathize with the seniors. For this action project, we were asked to make a garden tool that is tailored to a senior gardener. The preparation for this was an interview with a senior gardener, so we could identify the common problems that seniors are having and possibly solve them. I interviewed a farmer; even though it’s a more extreme version of