Canvassing For Housing Injustice

 Hi Visitor, In my class called Rhetoric we indulged ourselves in the topic of housing. We went on Field Experiences to the 33rd ward to talk about their experiences in Canvassing, and common tactics that they use to make sure the canvassing their doing house to house goes smoothly, also the information that they use before they do the in-person canvassing. We also learned about the status quo of the residents in that area. We then talked about the narrative that different organizations/groups have and due to that narrative what uses of rhetoric can we identify that they use to try and push their narrative.  In this Action Project we were asked to write a canvassing script about a problem in a certain community. I chose the problem of abandoned homes in multiple neighborhoods and how it's detrimental to them. This is my script. 

    My appeal to Logos was the use of statistics when talking about the return of properties from Land Bank back into the market. I also used statistics when talking about the lack of demand in the communities and the possible reasons as to why. I brought up how the status quo of the neighborhoods could deter them and an high unlikely but still possible reason is racism. I brought the percentage of population of neighborhoods like Little Village, North Lawndale, and etc. My appeal to Ethos was me talking about the whole process of the Scavenger sale and the tax auction in general if the person I was canvassing to didn't know about; since it's a really complicated process that not a lot of people know about. I also talked about the intent of what the Scavenger sale was trying to accomplish. 

    My appeal to Pathos was my tie to how the lack of demand in the community affected them which is in their property value and overall quality of the neighborhood since if there's a lack of demand in the neighborhood there's less stores and overall less resources being given to the neighborhood since it doesn't gather the attention of citizens. 

My target is a citizen that lives in the corresponding neighborhoods that this affects. The issue and the causes of abandoned homes have very similar root causes that you can easily just delete the other neighborhoods and focus on one and the script will work perfectly fine, which I think is a bonus. 

    Thesis is a rhetorical device I use because in the script it's obvious that I oppose this issue and I support my thesis with the evidence I use that prove my point like the sole solution to try and fix this problem which is the Land Bank returning more than half of what they bought, and the negatives that this brings to everyone in the community like decrease in property value. Another rhetoric device I used was Repetition specifically with the word property/properties, because it was meant to re enforce the idea that a great number of these "homes" aren't worth getting called that due to the condition that these "homes" are in. The last rhetorical device I use is hyperbole to explain the image that neighborhoods (more specifically Englewood) has due to the only information outsiders get about these neighborhoods are from the news so they think it's guerilla warfare in the neighborhood. 


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