The Gulf War

 Hey Visitor, In this class called Policy, we looked at the 3 branches of government, the history of law-making, how law is interpreted, and what follows up to an act or a law. In this Unit of Policy we focused on the Judicial and Executive branch. In class we split up the Constitution to look over the 1st and 2nd article to dissect it to figure out what the President can and CANNOT do. Like how the President's appointed officials have to be interviewed and granted the position by Congress. How Congress rules over inferior courts, and etc. All of this was used to build our understanding if war can be justifiable. With our Field Experience to the Everett M. Dirksen courthouse we took a tour and analyzed how cases in court are processed,  how evidence is presented, then we had lunch with attorneys and a judge. Now proceeding to the project we were asked to identify a war and to see if we personally though that the war was justifiable with evidence and make an essay on it. I accidentally subverted that there needed to be a SCOTUS case in the war that we selected but I mistakenly chose the Gulf War. This is my essay. 


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