Hello Visitor! In this class called A Nation’s Argument we talked about the progression of the United States as a nation. In that, we wanted to answer the question of how a Nation that is supposed to act in unity contradicts itself due to the differences in political views, life ideologies, and of course, the economy. We went back to the very beginning by studying the Declaration of Independence by having groups debunk each page of the D.O.I to understand why and how Thomas Jefferson wrote what he did. We also had to think as a person in the 1770’s to fully engulf in the world of a person that lived in this time to figure out their perspective and the thesis that the United States was proclaiming. Next we moved onto a lecture from Professor Freeman with the guiding question “How is a Nation argued into being” talking more about the Declaration of Independence and the buildup to it. Then we started learning about the anatomy of a proper argument; how a proper argument needs premis...