Finding Nora
Hey, In this Action Project in Drama we were asked to create a play that will give us some insight on how we can challenge gender norms and stereotypes. Before we were asked to make this Action Project the activities that we did before this was read the play A Doll's House and get some historical context to what Norway was like in the 1800's. After reading this book we discussed what were the gender roles in the book A Doll's House and how those roles could've been broken by characters. Most importantly how Nora reacted to the roles that she was forced in, due to her significant other. We agreed that the main action that Nora committed at the end: her leaving Torvald and trying to find herself, broke the gender role of a woman financially or emotionally depending on a man in order to feel like they fulfilled what was socially expected at the time, and after some more discussions dissecting the book this was the next project we were introduced with. The character I pick...