The Film Experience
The course we took for this 3 week term was called Ollywood. The course is about the different parts and aspects of film. I learned the different types of film views critiques you can do like generic, marxist, feminist, and etc. We also learned about different angles like overhead shot, extreme wide shot, wide shot, and medium shot. We looked at how screenplays are formatted and written. We thought about the importance of movies and how they could bring us together and civilize us too. A professor from Columbia College (Professor Boland) came to talk to the class to give us more knowledge on the craft of screenwriting, what to write about, the skillsets and mentality you would need or have to have in order to become a screenwriter. We watched 4 different films throughout the weeks and they were Jaws, Amelie, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and A Wrinkle In Time. While we were watching the movies we had worksheets to fill out to try and apply the knowledge about camera angles, story telling, and the possible ways the director lead the team to make the scene look a certain way. We also talked to writer/film maker Sam Fragoso about his short movies, and asked questions about the editing process, the coloring of his films, and his inspirations. This video is the final project of the class and the project was to criticize a movie we've never seen before. The movie me and my partner chose was The Godfather and this was our review.
I would say out of all the projects we had to make during this class. This was the hardest one solely due to the time that me and my partner had to write the script, record, and edit the video, besides the editing it was a fun process.
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