
Showing posts from November, 2021

Hero's Journey FE

  In this F.E we learned about the steps of the hero's journey and how it still applies to stories in that genre. We also learned who the creator of the hero's journey which was Joseph Campbell. We also met with an artist named "Armani Howard" to discuss the steps of the hero's journey and how we can transmute the steps into real life. We examined the stages of the hero's journey by watching Matrix to see if we can apply the monomyth to the movie which we could and did. Spider-Man and my mom are similar in their journeys because they both have an issue that is affecting their neighborhoods and that they'll like to attack. The reason that they're different is because of the different ways they use their gifts to attack their problem. My mother attacks her problem through the gift of art while Peter attacks his problem through the gift of super powers.


  In Pilsen there’s a lot of things you can do (there’s a chicago art district that's located in the pilsen area where there are art galleries and art studios. They have a Galleries Night Event on the second Friday of every month so people can showcase the art that they make. There’s tons of murals around the area too, they’re on shops,lofts and galleries. In Pilsen they also celebrate day of the dead, the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexican Independence day, and other festivals. On more of the art aspect there’s a National Museum of Mexican art that has huge amounts of pieces there. Right next to the National Museum there’s a park that has basketball courts, baseball fields, and tennis courts. They also have a throw-back candy shop, they have candies that are dusted with chile powder and they have sugar skulls there. ”Barrio Pilsen Chicago , Murales, Arte y Cultura”. Visitar Chicago, . Accessed 12 Oct. 2021.


 In my population class we're learning about the evolution which led us to the discussions of Charles Darwin principles of selection, DNA, and Natural Selection. We were given a project to broaden our intelligence on an organism and theorize on how it would do in a different environment. The organism I chose was the Japanese Macaque. The difference between Japanese Macaques and New world monkeys are the nose shapes, the Japanese Macaque has a downward pointing nose while New world monkeys have rounded nostrils. Another difference is the fact that the Japanese Macaques are usually on the ground way more than a New World monkey. This is also turned more into a behavioral/physical trait too. Since the Japanese Macaque doesn't have a tail that could hold on and swing to branches like it's counterparts.  Do monkeys have requirements other monkeys need to meet in order to mate? Female Japanese Macaques are very selective with the mate they're choosing. This is to prevent int...