Trials and Tribulations Of Finding The Perfect Classroom
The perfect learning environment should be an environment that is comfortable for the students and teacher to easily communicate. With the objective of the class being clear and can be completed. An environment that isn't tense. One of the things that can achieve the comfort factor of the classroom is being outside, due to having day to day life being the background instead of a silent room. It will bring some regularity that we are all naturally used to so if anyone isn't speaking there isn't pure silence which can tie into people falling asleep which is a common thing for inside learning environments. The downside of having outside noises being apparent (due to being outside) though is that it has a possibility of distracting. But this can also be easily combated if the subject incorporates the outside environment in the curriculum.
An inside learning environment could also be optimal. Only if you can replicate the benefits of being outside. Due to the teacher and students being inside and not having active noises. This could lead to people being tired since you're brain is less alert. Also the environment could be more tense if there's tons of silence. You can combat these problems if there is music already playing when the students are walking into the classroom and have music playing while there's downtime (downtime as in leaving students to work). The music can be lowered (or completely silent) if the teacher is presenting something or just in general needs the class attention.
(Sentence that might be used: For the comfort factor for the learning environment can easily be achieved by going outside. Since there's ongoing sounds and regular day to day life )
Optimal Learning Environment Requirement
- Objective is clear
- Communicative
Benefits of Outdoor Learning Environment
-More easier to be less tense due to the open environment
- More comfortable due to outside sounds (not complete silence)
- Higher chance of being more engaged with the subject if the subject ties with the outside environment
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