Tasks Of A GCE Student

 We established what it means to be successful student and teacher at GCE (Global Citizenship Experience) by having a meeting with everyone and discussing the requirements the students and teachers need to meet. For the students the requirements for us were to be respectful, do not distract others, treat others how they want to be treated, participate, and be curious. The requirements for the teachers were be flexible/ accommodating, be patient, and teach enthusiastically. Then we carried onto going over these requirements and all mutually agreeing to them. Lastly, we proceeded to our designated rooms to brainstorm and talk about what we wanted to change about the room and what were the things we needed in order to make the room fit our needs. We decided to change take out the a table and bookshelf that were originally there. Unscrew the 2 bulletin boards that we could reach and moved the long table closer to the windows. We also put little chairs in the corners of the room so there could be more space for people. Our intent with this room was to have a place where peers can study/ do homework after school and conversate amongst themselves, but also making sure everyone is safely doing so by making sure there's enough space in between people. After we were done setting up the room, we applied tape in where the seats were so if people move around the chairs/seats they know where to put them back.

[Sentences that could be used] 


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