Hi! This is a project for the class called Disease. We were asked to pick a mental disorder from the DSM-V. The mental disorder I chose is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a mental disorder that causes a person to be distracted easily, unintentionally disorganized. The scientific definition is that ADHD is a behavioral condition that makes focusing on everyday requests and routines challenging. The criteria for ADHD is Persistent pattern of inattention, Lack of comprehension, hyperactivity ,Being disorganized (not due to lack of comprehension or defiance), Difficulty sustaining focus as popular twitch streamer would say “trance of thinking of other thoughts”., Excessive fidgeting or tapping, and Impulsivity (like taking unnecessary risks). [Simulation] ADHD affects the frontal lobe which is the executive functioning part of the brain. The executive functions are things like working memory, mental flexibility, and self control. 64% of children with ADH...